Thami Dish is the Founder of The Feather Awards. I’ve been gay since day two. I grew up around Mamelodi (Tshwane) and I’ve always had a family that supported me. They knew and could see that “this one has got a bit of a broken wrist”. I never had a terrible upbringing when it comes to it being welcoming to g@y people. If there is one thing I know for sure is that I belong to The Lord and there will be nothing that separates me from His love.
The Mamelodi native actually got his nickname from a pseudo translation of his Sepedi surname. In sePedi, (se)Kotlolo directly translates to “dish.
Although Thami is not new to the entertainment industry, he wasn’t as widely known as he deserves to be. He actually began his career very young, having had roles in shows such as Backstage, YO-TV (as a presenter), films such as Mr Bones, and numerous adverts.
He then went on to work at companies such as YFM and publications such as Sowetan.
Thanks Him all the time for your blessings…He is God. 🙏🏾 KeepYoFaith