Maumela Mahuwa is best known as an actor and gospel singer, but what many might not have known is the fact that the starlet is also a travelling minister that is constantly promoting mental freedom and breaking out of self-confinement.
In a recent interview on Afternoon Express, Mahuwa opened up about the hard work that the ministry carries as you have to be selfless and tend to find yourself thinking about people you don’t know personally.
“Everywhere you go…you appear on television, a lot and people are just: “Do you know that they calling you?” and you’re like, why would God pass every other person and come to me and for a long time, I was just like…it’s not my thing, I don’t think I was prepared for the kind of job it has…ministry is too much, it’s heavy…” she said.
Reflecting on how her journey as a pastor began, the actress said: “I think when it comes to preaching, I started in 2004
I had a calling but you know…, you don’t wanna…I was invited to a church but it was not for preaching, it was for singing, so when I got there this man just announced that I would be preaching that evening, so that was the beginning
So from then on people just started inviting me for preaching…Sunday life for me is basically church, singing, a lot of dancing…a whole lot of dancing, too much dancing until we’re tired then preaching.”
Source: Channel24