Luthando Shosha better known as LootLove recently celebrated the imminent arrival of her twins in a sunflower themed baby shower. The 29-year-old radio and TV personality who revealed how difficult it was to hide her twin pregnancy from the public, looked gorgeous in a colorful pattered sequel top and dress at the event.
Taking to her Instagram, the mom-to-be shared a cute snap in which she can be seen sharing a sweet moment with long-term boyfriend rapper Reason while cradling her baby bump.
Best Friend. #AHipAndHopShower,” she captioned the post. Who said rappers aren’t sweet and romantic?!
Everyone knows that guys are always trying to hide the soft side in them, but every once in a while we get to see that shine through
And today is Reason’s turn. The rapper took the time to write the sweetest shout out to TV personality Luthando Shosha to celebrate her birthday.