Their show, titled The Rodeo, will air in October on the urban, youth-focused station. The show will premiere on Yfm on Sunday, 07 October 2018 and will air every Sunday thereafter between 6 and 10 pm.
Television and radio favourite Siyabonga ‘Scoop’ Ngwekazi and dancer, choreographer and TV presenter, Bontle Modiselle will be hosting a show together on Yfm.
The Rodeo will focus solely on the local and international Hip-Hop music industry with the latest music and of course conversations on what is happening in the genre.
The pair will also present their listeners with playlists, charts and the latest Hip-Hop news. Although this will be Bontle’s first show on Yfm, Scoop will be re-joining the station after hosting a similar show alongside Sizwe Dhlomo a few years ago.
Bontle wrote this on her Instagram account as she announced the good news: Introducing ‘THE RODEO’, the new energy on @Yfm, with @theonlyscoopmakhathini and yours truly.
Starting Oct 7, 6pm-10pm every Sunday evening.
Source: Daily Sun