
Twitter reacts to #TheImposter season 2: Memes. When season 2 was announced, some of us were wondering if it would pick up where the first instalment left off. And, to everyone’s surprise, it’s a brand-new cast and storyline.

The first season of The Imposter didn’t leave a good impression on fans. We don’t blame them, though, because the show was filled with many far-fetched moments. Yes, we get that it’s a TV show, but some of the things that happened on that show were just, uhm… we have no words.


Speaking to City Press about how she prepared for her character Kelebogile, Gail Mabalane said engaging with other women and their experiences helped. She told the weekly publication: “Through this character, I’ve discovered that any woman, including myself, will at some point, be able to relate to Kele.


Source: Twitter

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