Last week, Nair made headlines after his video rant went viral on social media. Apart from calling Ramaphosa the controversial K-word, he also blamed the president for the current state that the country was in.
Kessie Nair, the man who called President Cyril Ramaphosa the K-word in a video, is due to apply for bail in the Verulam Magistrate’s Court today. He was arrested by the Hawks a day after the video surfaced and he was charged with crimen injuria.
Nair’s family said that he was mentally unwell and the family spokesperson, Krishnan Nair, said they have distanced themselves from such utterances. “We have a history of being in the trenches fighting apartheid and being involved in the struggle for liberation of this country from the shackles of the Nationalist government,” he said.
Nair’s uncle, Billy Nair, was an anti-apartheid activist and a political prisoner. Krishnan added that Nair needed immediate medical care and attention. “He is physically and mentally unwell,” he said.
Nair was previously jailed for six years in 2005 for fraud amounting to R17 500. Follow @TheMercurySA on Twitter to stay updated on this and other stories. The Mercury
Source: IOL News