After an attempt to end her life, she set in the sun between a railway and the bushes where she showcases her business to every man that passes on the path that crosses the railway. “I’m killing myself, this life is useless without clients” These were the words of a self-confessed Magosha shouting from the top of a bridge.
When no man passes through, she speaks to herself demanding money from clients who paid her. After midday, she apparently goes from shack to shack in Phomolong Mamelodi East Tshwane asking for c0nd0ms.
The behaviour of this magosha has worried local women for some time. The women claim to have sought help for the magosha without any success. They said they are afraid the magosha could be very depressed and needs help.
Resident Martha Rankapole (48), said she fears that one day the magosha will succeed in killing herself. “I think years of abuse at the hands of her clients has traumatised her.
“She has been beaten and picked by passer-by’s many times. “After such incidents she disappears for some time and comes back to the streets when she has healed,” she said.
She said the woman is in no state to be a magosha. “She is not in a good state of mind, she cannot negotiate and we hear that sometimes she tells people that she charges R5 per session, she needs help,” she said.
Rankapole said attempts to get her family have failed. “She tells us different names every day, I hope men become sympathetic and stop buying her services,” she said. The SunTeam visited the magosha, who said she was mrs nyaope and she was speaking to herself. She told the SunTeam to stop asking her questions, but rather buy her services.
“I have a 10-year-old child that I’m looking after, I work under the bridge and I’m happy,” she said. Her behaviour resembled that of an unstable woman, as she would change her statements. She said she does not need help, as she has devoted her life to addiction, making money and she not prepared to quit.
“You should stop taking pictures of me and give me money. I’m the president of my life and I’m dangerous as well,” she said.
Source: Daily Sun