The SunTeam recently asked churchgoers in Mzansi how they felt about people who said very long prayers in church. Many suggested there should be a time limit. Last week, an article about a man in Swaziland who was expelled from the church for taking too long to pray went viral.
Sthembile Ngobese (24) from Wattville, Ekurhuleni said she got discouraged when prayers went on for too long at church and often ended up playing games on her phone.
“People need to start praying more at home. That’s where they can pray the whole night,” she said. Amos Mokoena (36) from Lwazi Lenkosi Christian Church in Zion, Wattville said he had no problem with prayers but they shouldn’t take too long.
“With some people you can see they’re driven by the Holy Spirit but others are looking for the attention they’re clearly not getting at home,” he said.
Nomasonto Mkhwanazi said she was proud of praying for a long time. She said she was often the last person at her church to stop. “I honestly don’t care what people say about me. I know some think I’m seeking attention but I get that even when I’m asleep because God is watching over me.”
Londiwe Mchunu, a priest at Lwazi Lenkosi Church, said people should be patient when others prayed.
Source: Daily Sun