The family house in Allandale outside Thulamahashe in Mpumalanga caught fire on Friday. The family of murdered MK Military Veterans’ Association member Benson Mashile has been left homeless.
Benson’s son Amania, who works as a provincial traffic officer, said he was on duty when the fire swept through their home. The cause is still unknown.
Benson’s brother, Pieter, said firefighters were called but by the time they arrived almost everything had been burned to ashes.
Worried Pieter said the family had been living in fear since Benson’s body was found after being stabbed to death in a tavern in February last year.
“In April this year, the police sent us a letter saying they couldn’t find the killers and the case had been closed. We are really shattered,” he said. Mpumalanga ANC spokeswoman Sasekani Manzini said the party was very shocked about the fire.
“We will talk to the regional ANC and get a report soon. We will also ask the police to deal with the matter of the murder case,” she said. Police said a case of arson was being investigated.
Source: Daily Sun