Taking to Twitter on Thursday, Trump wrote: “I have asked Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to closely study the South Africa land and farm seizures and expropriations and the large scale killing of farmers. ‘South African Government is now seizing land from white farmers’ @TuckerCarlson @FoxNews‚” he tweeted.
There’s no doubt that US President Donald Trump has ruffled Mzansi’s feathers with his comment about land seizures in South Africa.
Twitter streets were flames after that as celebs and the public took turns throwing punches at Trump. See local celebrity reactions below:
Anele Mdoda
So Donald Trump won’t be doing the Nelson Mandela lecture 2019 then ? No ? Ahh man.
Criselda Dudumashe
Dear @realDonaldTrump land redistribution is inevitable. It’s clear as daylight and it’s black and white with no grey confusing areas. In fact, decent white South Africans are concerned about this imbalance they want it to end. #FixingTheCountry
Chester Missing
Listen @realDonaldTrump, or as we call you in Africa, Comrade Gatorade, white South Africans are doing fine, better than fine in fact. Rather focus on getting Putin’s hand out your ass, and insulting Canada for no reason. Thanks, your fellow puppet, Chester Missing.
Tumi Morake
We are still busy with Adam, please wait while we put you on hold…
Naming and shaming racists won’t get us the land back… The master racists @afriforum are spreading lies about Black People faster than we can put our pants on. #BlackTwitter worldwide, get the strap GIVE TRUMP THE TRUTH!!! #LandExpropriation