She’s an actress in prison drama Lockdown and is also the voice behind the show’s theme song. Nelisiwe Sibiya (26) started her career in theatre productions before her big TV break and we caught up with the Mama ka Bafana singer, whose star seems set to keep rising.
My biggest fear is…
I don’t have that anymore. My biggest fear was losing my mother as she was everything to me. Since she passed away I don’t have fears.
A secret talent I have…
I can sing Bollywood songs and really sound both like the Hindi men and women. I’m also very flexible, as I did ballet.
I’m inspired by…
Life itself. Waking up in the morning and realising I’m still alive is an inspiration to me because it means I’m given another day to live and inspire other people.
Success for me means…
Waking up in the morning and doing what I was called and destined to do in this life. I really believe we are all called for different things and those doing what they love the most are successful. Nothing is as beautiful and joyful as that – not even wealth.
A quote I live by is…
“If it’s meant to be mine it will be mine.”
Whether it’s that job opportunity, that friendship, relationship or whatever. If it’s mine it will find its way to me. The universe responds in perfect time.
I can’t live without…
My phone. I do everything on my phone. Thank God for new technology. I don’t own a TV, laptop or even watches because I do everything on my phone.
If I had to work but didn’t need the money, I would choose to…
Sing. Just singing nje just because. It’s in my blood.