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Mzansi Celebs

Beautiful #WCW of the day Sophie Lichaba

Sophie Lichaba

Former Generations actress Sophie Lichaba is fighting back against cyber bullies for body- shaming her over her dramatic weight loss. Taking to social media in an open letter, Ndaba diarised her struggles with obesity, revealing that her battle with diabetes was the reason behind her shedding the extra kilos in the last year. “I’m sending my love to all my friends and family who are concerned about my weight and health,” she wrote on Instagram.

Sophie Lichaba

“Living with diabetes doesn’t mean my life must stop. It means I will fight to live and encourage those who already are suffering from this deadly disease.

Sophie Lichaba

“I started my weight loss journey because I was obese and it affected my health. I made a confident choice to start eating well and lose weight.

Sophie Lichaba

“I want to encourage those who are struggling with obesity and say don’t worry [about] what people think, even if they will think you are dying. Being overweight landed me in hospital.”

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Sophie Lichaba

Ndaba also opened up about losing both her parents to the chronic illness. Some people sadden me because I have lost both my parents through diabetes.”She continued to encourage South Africans living with diabetes to get healthy, and reiterated she remains unshaken from all the cyber bullying.

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