South African News President Ramaphosa may have been aware of VBS bank Scandal President Cyril Ramaphosa failed the poor clients of VBS Mutual Bank by not speaking out against the looting at the bank because he was... TKOctober 15, 2018
South African News Vytjie Mentor to continue testimony at state capture inquiry Former ANC MP Vytjie Mentor continues her testimony at the state capture inquiry on Tuesday. Mentor took the stand on Monday and revealed how Duduzane Zuma,... Nancy MAugust 28, 2018
South African News Vytjie Mentor to testify: #StateCaptureInquiry Former ANC MP Vytjie Mentor is expected to testify at the commission of inquiry into state capture on Monday. In 2016 Mentor claimed on... Nancy MAugust 27, 2018
South African News Mcebisi Jonas & Vytjie Mentor to testify during the State Capture enquiry Mcebisi Jonas & Vytjie Mentor to testify during the State Capture enquiry. This means that the first evidence the commission will receive is about... TKAugust 18, 2018