Kanye West met and hugged Trump on Thursday after a making a very controversial speech in support of Trump. “I love this guy right here,” West said where he was invited for lunch to discuss prison reform. Trump was left speechless and said “this was quite something,” in response to West’s impromptu speech.
TI said he ‘would’ve slapped de fuq’ out of Kanye in his Trump meeting if he was present.
Rapper TI (Clifford Joseph Harris, Jr.) has accused Kanye West of selling his soul after Wests’ controversial meeting with US President Donald Trump.
This meeting and West’s speech rubbed TI the wrong way and prompted him to write a lengthy note ridiculing West for “selling his soul.” He described West’s actions in the white house as “next level, futuristic Sambo, Hoping Bob, Stephen off Django ass sh*t Ye!”
“From what I can gather… This is the most repulsive, disgraceful, an embarrassing act of desperation and auctioning off of one’s soul to gain power I’ve ever seen.” TI recalled Kanye asking him to come with him to the meeting and said he declined.
“…but bro… If ain’time I would’ve been in there wit you and you behaved that spinelessly in my presence. I feel that I’d be compelled to slap de’Fuq outta you bro for the people. You took ass kissing and b00tlicking on a whole new level and I refuse to associate myself with something so vile, weak and inconsiderate to the effect this has on the greater good of all our people.”
He continued to say, “I’m a true believer in ‘It ain’t what you do, it’s how you do it.’ And this sh*t is regurgitating. At one time it was a pleasure to work alongside you… now, I’m ashamed to have ever been associated with you.” TI warned Kanye’s fans, saying West was only putting himself first.
This was TI’s statement on his Instagram account: Now I’ve been extremely patient and made it a point to not jump to any premature conclusions about Ye’& his antics… Partially due to the lessons learned from the outcome of other similar situations dealing with my brother Wayne (which I admittedly mishandled a bit in hindsight) But now this shit is next level, futuristic Sambo, Hopping Bob, Stephen off Django ass shit Ye!!!! From what I can gather… This is the most repulsive, disgraceful,
An embarrassing act of desperation & auctioning off of one’s soul to gain power I’ve ever seen. Now I recall you asking me to come with you to have this meeting and I declined (naturally)… but bro… if ain’time I would’ve been in there wit you and you behaved that spinelessly in my presence, I feel that I’d be compelled to slap de’Fuq outta you bro For the People!!! You ass kissing and boot licking on a whole new level &I refuse to associate myself with something so vile,weak,& inconsiderate to the effect this has on the greater good of ALL OUR PEOPLE!!!! I’m a true believer in “It ain’t what you do,it’s how you do it.” And this shit is regurgitating?! At one time it was a pleasure to work alongside you… now, I’m ashamed to have ever been associated with you.
To all the people who follow Ye musically,socially, or even personally….who are confused, heartbroken, infuriated…. Let me make this clear… THIS SHIT AINT COOL!!! THIS IS A MOVE YE MADE FOR YE!!! THIS IS A PLAY TO PUT HIM IN A POSITION HE’D LIKE TO SEE HIMSELF IN…WE ARE NOT ON HIS MIND AS HE MAKES THESE COMMENTS AND DECISIONS. Don’t follow this puppet. Because as long as I’ve lived I’ve learned that it benefits a man nothing at all to gain the world,if to do so he must lose his soul. We just saw Mr.West’s Soul on auction. If you listen closely you can hear the tears of our ancestors hit the floor. All I can say is… I’ve reached my limits. This is my stop,I’m officially DONE!!!! ??Trump & His Lil Cookie Boy. #USorELSE✊?
Another US celebrity Shaun King had this to say: After saying that the MAGA hat “gives me superpowers” then saying he was misdiagnosed with bipolar disorder, Kanye said he loves Trump so much and rushed to give him a hug. 14,000 immigrant children are currently detained in modern-day internment camps.
Trump called Colin Kaepernick and other NFL athletes sons of bitches. Worked to ban all Muslims from entering the country. Called African nations Shithole countries. Accused of s.e.xual misconduct by 15 women. I could go on and on. Kanye is not just being played by Trump right before mid-terms, they are playing us in a very destructive way. This isn’t just sad or funny, it’s problematic.
Watch Kanye and Trump’s lunch meeting below:
Source: The Citizen